New Holland - H7330
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New Holland Discbine Disc Mower Conditioner Specifications H7220 H7320 H7230 H7330 NEW HOLLAND AGRICULTURE MODEL H7220 H7320 H7230 MOWMAX CUTTERBAR WITH SHOCKPRO HUBS Number of discs 7 7 8 Number of knives 14 2 per disc 14 2 per disc 16 2 per disc Speed rpm 3000 3000 3000 Cutting width ft in mm 9 2 2800 9 2 2800 10 4 3160 Cutting angle 2 to 10 degrees mechanical or hydraulic control Cutting height in mm 0 95 to 3 2 24 to 81 with standard skid shoes Ground clearance with header fully raised in mm 17 432 17 432 18 457 Flotation Vertical and lateral adjustable springs H7330 8 16 2 per disc 3000 10 4 3160 2 to 10 degrees hydraulic control 17 432 MATERIAL DISCHARGE Swath ...